
Chester Performs 'Up The Wall' Event


The ancient City Walls in a new light.
Chester is a walled city and its wall is inescapable... 

Home, shelter and source of security or symbolic divide, fortress or personal prison?
From Israel to Belfast, Berlin to Chester a group of UK and international artists come together to explore what walls mean to them.Interactive digital graffiti... trumpets heralding the fall of Jericho... divided families digitally rejoined... Lady Macbeth haunting the turrets...
Performance and intervention: Michael Pinchbeck/The End - Tom Marshman - Roy Maayan + Anat Katz - Natalie Preece + Darren  White - Megan Broadmeadow - Worldshed
Installation: Noise Club - Wild Strawberry - Hagar Cygler - Articulating History - Jo Ashbridge - Isobel Anderson - Louie+Jessie - Forecast
Specially commissioned flickbook: Rachel Henson
Up the Wall is an evening of images, sounds, animated journeys and performances - thought-provoking, playful or downright bizarre, in a whole new focus on an ancient construct.

Noise Club, Wild Strawberry, Worldshed, Hagar Cygler, Articulating History, Jo Ashbridge, Isobel Anderson, Roy Maayan & Anat Katz, Michael Pinchbeck, Natalie Preece/Darren White, Megan Broadmeadow, louie+jesse, Anna Macdonald, Tom Marshman, Rachel Henson

Up the Wall 2010 from Chester Performs on Vimeo.


Chester Performs 'Up The Wall'

The ancient City Walls in a new light – a festival of image and sound at nightfall
Friday 22nd & Saturday 23rd October 2010

Join us anytime between 7pm & 9pm
Chester Roman Garden and The Groves

We have two new pieces in the 'Up The Wall' event in Chester a video projection 'Run(g) Out and a sound installation 'To Forget'.

Video Stills from Run(g) Out

Run(g) Out 2010 Video projection, wall and rope ladder

Run(g) Out is a video installation that depicts a climbing male figure, dressed in a suit and bowler hat, projected against a rope ladder hanging from the city wall.   The figure, although apparently engaged in the act of climbing the ladder, is seen to make no progress in his ascent.  Moreover, the film is continually looped so that his climb appears interminable; he never achieves his goal or reaches his destination.

The absurd and unexpected situation evokes the iconography of the surrealist Renee Magritte, the slapstick comedy of Charlie Chaplin, and even the bureaucratic nightmares of Franz Kafka.  The precarious position of the climber is reinforced by the use of the rope ladder, a device associated with emergency escapes and rescue, and a reference to the title of the piece (a ‘run out’ is a climbing term used to describe a lengthy distance between two points of protection which in some, but not all, cases might be perceived as frightening or dangerous).  Whether seeking to escape or to find ‘enlightenment’, the climber will never attain his goal, find the truth or satisfy his desire, just as he is doomed never to reach the top of the wall.

Installation Site

To Forget 2010 Sound, sound equipment

This piece seeks to provoke a visceral response from the listeners as they crouch or strain to hear barely audible tapping sounds emerging from several small speakers located along the length of the passage.  To Forget co-opts the unavoidable associations suggested by the tapping to both intrigue and unnerve the listener, invoking the primitive communications of those individuals incarcerated, confined or otherwise trapped, where they are denied or unable to access more conventional means of communication.

Whether coded in order to relay information secretly, deliberate and sustained to intimidate and disconcert, or a desperate attempt to signal for help, the human activity of tapping is a strategy to overcome isolation and reach beyond barriers and walls.  To Forget situates the listener on the ‘outside’, both physically in relation to the perceived source of the tapping, and psychologically by their inability to determine what is being communicated.  Without the familiar points of reference (voice, visual clues or context), the listener is led to speculate on the origins and authors of the tapping, and its meaning.

Jonathan Alibone & Alexander Small © 2010


London Exhibition Squares up to the US & New Art Work

New Art Work in 100sqft exhibition

London Exhibition Squares up to the US

The first international 100sqft art exhibition will launch in New Orleans on October 23rd 2010 and show in London from the 27th November. The exhibition, curated by Leytonstone artist Carne Griffiths, brings together an eclectic range of work from 100 British and American artists.

100sqft is an exhibition which aims to distinguish itself from other art exhibitions by being completely non discriminatory, there are no submission restrictions except that this size of the work must be 1sqft and entries are encouraged from artists with no formal training.

Artwork is displayed in a 10'x10' grid formation and each artists chooses where they want to place their work in the grid on the 100sqft website. Joining the exhibition is as easy as sending in a 1000 pixel square image of the work via email, then delivering the original in time for the gallery launch. This simple but innovative process brings together a diverse range of work – be it digital prints, mixed media collages, oil-paintings or low-relief sculptures – with each square commanding its own visual presence, and the 10-foot high grid an impactful whole. 

This 100sqft Exhibition will form part of Arts After Dark, an evening event celebrating the rebirth and creative vitality of New Orleans including the work of thirteen exciting artists from the UK and USA and music .
From the UK; Dan Baldwin, Carne Griffiths, Colin Hampden-White, Rob Reed and Shruti Thaker.
From the USA; Dave Greber, Viorel Hodre, Steve Martin, George McClements, Valorie Polmer, Aaron Reichert, Thomas Williams and Luba Zygarewicz. 

With just 10 places left for New Orleans artists to claim in the 100sqft grid there are rumours of last minute involvement from Nola Rising artist Rex Dingler ….we might even see the appearance of the Gray Ghost, notorious for his over-painting of graffiti artists' work.

Exhibition Dates & Times
100sqft New Orleans / Arts After Dark – ArtEgg Studios
Launches Saturday October 23 from 6:30pm – 10:30pm
Exhibition open: October 24 – 29, 6:30 pm – 9 pm or by appointment.

100sqft London – Cholmeley Boys Club, Dalston
Launches Saturday 27th November 7pm -2am
Exhibition open: November 28 – Dec 2, 2pm - 8pm

100sqft Contact Carne Griffiths
art@100sqft.co.uk T: +44 208 9266440 / M: 07881 654657
29a Forest Drive East, Leytonstone London E11 1JX
For images of previous events artwork from current show and logos download www.100sqft.co.uk/press.htm

Arts After Dark
In the wake of the devastating floods wrought by Hurricane Katrina in 2005, New Orleans has recovered. Arts After Dark is a celebration of rebirth and new vitality. A city with incredibly diverse cultural heritage, it seems only right that art play a role in the regeneration. Artists use light in the most stunningly inventive ways. New Orleans, of course, was plunged into a kind of post-Katrina darkness for many months. Arts After Dark will showcase the vibrant colors and dynamism that are uniquely New Orleans. The show, as its name suggests, will take place once the sun has set. We hope the dusky tones will be a positive contributor to the canvases and artworks to let imaginations paint a brighter future for a rejuvenated city.

Arts After Dark Curators: Adriana Fabian and Carne Griffiths, assisted by James Qualls.
Info: Esther R. Dyer, ArtEgg Studios 917.971.4886
arteggstudios@aol.com or ArtsAfterDark 503.4.ArtEgg. Onsite contact: Ashley Boudreaux 504.710.9128. ArtEgg is located at 1001 S. Broad Street, New Orleans near the Times Picayune. Look for the Everybody Loves a Good Egg sign.

Open Studios from ArtEgg artists during Arts After Dark include Jane Drew, Latigid Studios, Deedra Ludwig, Dave Rodrigue, Wade Shields, Jane Talton, Julie Wallace, Winn Studios, and the Director’s collection of African arts, ethnographic jewellery and work from selected international artists.

100sqft Artists
dARTh, Cos Ahmet, Jonathan Alibone, Soraia Almeida, Laura Ana Maria Iosifescu, Domingo Arjonilla, Leora Armstrong, Anastasia  Belova, Neil Benjamin, Mark Burton, Martine Charalambou, Pamela Conway Caruso, Sarah Crew, Ian Croft, Anna Cunningham, Lei Curtis, Vinita Davé, Bryce Dishongh, Anton Dolders, Jan  Drury, Christopher Eyles, Adriana Fabin, Abby Faulkner, Madeleine Faust, Karlie Gartner, Roxane Grant,  Rupert Greyling, Carne Griffiths, Claire Griffiths, Spencer Gunn, Jedd Haas, Majella Hallissey, Georgina Haly, Colin Hampden White, Jay Heron, Tara Herrington, Rachel I'Anson, Kerry Jessica Brown, Asmi Kazmi, Shannon Kelley, Julia Kerrison, Natalie Keymist, Emily Kirby, Chris Kirby, Aleksejs   Konahins, Amanda Lawson, Danielle Leach, Vanessa Lee, Diane Lees, Wendy MacMillan, Yasmin Maria Khan, Aimee Marshall, Ravi Menghani, Aurelia Milach, Gareth Morgan, Ange Mukeza, Brian Nolan, Maurice O'Hara, Ben Oakley, Lulu Parent, Britney Penouilh, Natasha Pinnock, Leigh Pleva, Rachel Rainbow, Rob Reed, Aaron Reichert, Belle  Robinson, Milan  Rubio, Jane Rutterford, Rabhia Saeeda, Steve Savage, Alke Schmidt, Jae Dee Scott, Jenna Sharpe, Carlita Shaw Montross, Emma Simmons, Anna Skodbo, Alexander Small, Megan Sperry, Jenny Steele, Austin Taylor, Shruti Thaker, Peter Tinkler, Gisela Torres, Mayou Trikerioti, João  Trindade,  Lucy Wragg, Alisha Young.