
Mat Collishaw - Magic Lantern

Magic Lantern

V & A Channel

100sqft 5 New Orleans / London Book

Catalogue now available to order


Hosted by ArtEgg studios the 100sqft 5th Exhibition launched in New Orleans on the 23rd October 2010 to accompany the Arts After Dark exhibition curated by Carne Griffiths. The Exhibition displays the work of 100 US and UK artists, with all artwork being 1 foot square displayed in a 10' x 10' grid.
The exhibition is not juried and encourages work in all disciplines. Artists are encouraged from a variety of backgrounds, trained and untrained, amateur and professional. The finished grid is testament to this showing an eclectic range of work that draws the eyes of the visitor rapidly from piece to piece.
The 100sqft exhibition appears at Cholmeley Boys Club Dalston for it's UK launch on the 27th November 2010.
Be there ... be square

Chester Performs 'Up The Wall' Event


The ancient City Walls in a new light.
Chester is a walled city and its wall is inescapable... 

Home, shelter and source of security or symbolic divide, fortress or personal prison?
From Israel to Belfast, Berlin to Chester a group of UK and international artists come together to explore what walls mean to them.Interactive digital graffiti... trumpets heralding the fall of Jericho... divided families digitally rejoined... Lady Macbeth haunting the turrets...
Performance and intervention: Michael Pinchbeck/The End - Tom Marshman - Roy Maayan + Anat Katz - Natalie Preece + Darren  White - Megan Broadmeadow - Worldshed
Installation: Noise Club - Wild Strawberry - Hagar Cygler - Articulating History - Jo Ashbridge - Isobel Anderson - Louie+Jessie - Forecast
Specially commissioned flickbook: Rachel Henson
Up the Wall is an evening of images, sounds, animated journeys and performances - thought-provoking, playful or downright bizarre, in a whole new focus on an ancient construct.

Noise Club, Wild Strawberry, Worldshed, Hagar Cygler, Articulating History, Jo Ashbridge, Isobel Anderson, Roy Maayan & Anat Katz, Michael Pinchbeck, Natalie Preece/Darren White, Megan Broadmeadow, louie+jesse, Anna Macdonald, Tom Marshman, Rachel Henson

Up the Wall 2010 from Chester Performs on Vimeo.