
Articulating History Website

Art Concepts in Historical Contexts

Articulating History is a collaborative practice between artists Jonathan Alibone and Alexander Small now with its own dedicated website.


Established in 2008, Articulating History explores continuity and rupture, producing context driven and site specific installations and artworks that mediate between the past and the present.

'We work across the fine art and heritage sectors using a range of media and methodologies. We produce collaborative, context driven, archive intervening, site specific creative projects  to broaden perspectives and engage new audiences.'

Please contact us for more information.'

'Where We Were Found, Wanting' Installation at Purple Media

'Purple Media Presents An Evening of Art' saw the installation of 'Where We Were Found, Wanting' by Jonathan Alibone, Mathew Bushell and myself.

The installation occupied the whole bottom floor of the new Purple Media offices and included paintings by Jonathan Alibone and my own bass 'Resonator' sculpture providing the sound.

'Pablo Picasso described art as 'a means of seizing power by imposing a form on our terrors as well as on our desires'. The installation occupying these rooms considers the implications of this assertion'


Purple Media Presents An Evening of Art

Purple Media Presents An Evening of Art featuring pieces from a range of local artists.

An independent show from artists, hosted by Purple Media at 14 Hazelwood Road, Northampton on Saturday 12 April: 18:00 til late.


Purple Media Presents An Evening of Art


New Artist's Sanctuary Blog

The Artist's Sanctuary now has its own blog so you can keep upto date with exhibitions and events.

Artists Sanctuary blogspot

New Northampton Arts Collective Website Launched

The new NAC website has been launched!

Membership of NAC is FREE and easy!

You can also become a Friend of NAC by paying a small fee. Friends of NAC gain a number of benefits such as gaining a fully editable gallery and webpage on the site, as well as helping to promote NAC as the premier cultural organisation in the area.


Excavations Exhibited at the Fishmarket Gallery Opening

Northampton Herald & Post

The Fishmarket Gallery reopens after its second refurbishment

This wonderful venue reopens to the public from 10-6 Thursday - Saturday THIS WEEK (3rd/4th/5th). www.fishmarketgallery.co.uk will be launched next week to co-incide with the first show opening.

This newly refurbished venue will have new workshop space, 3 galleries and a refurbished cafe bar & scaffold garden. Come see us !!!

For details of exhibiting please email submissions@fishmarketgallery.co.uk

This reopening will be the first exhibition of 'Excavations' the new collaborative video project by Jonathan Alibone and Alexander Small based on Northampton's Arts Collective Fish Market Gallery site.

Excavations is a short, digitally animated sequence inspired by historical and archaeological evidence that positions the present Fishmarket above the site of a medieval synagogue in what was once the heart of Northampton’s Jewish quarter.

This animation forms the latest collaborative work from Northampton based artists Jonathan Alibone and Alexander Small, and represents only one aspect of their continuing concern to critically explore the social and cultural significance of sites and their surrounding areas as part of their collaborative practice 'Art ] iculating History'. Through these projects we attempt to locate Art Concepts in Historical Contexts to create new meanings, links and perspectives whilst engaging new audiences.

‘[G]iven the Fishmarket’s proposed demolition, it felt necessary to reflect on our changing urban landscape. The Fishmarket [...] provides an appropriate metaphor for the cyclical nature of history; its rupture and continuity revealed in not only the physical environment, but also in the less tangible realms of religious belief and culture.’

Conceived and produced by Jonathan Alibone and Alexander Small, with invaluable technical support from Mark Walman, director of the Artist Sanctuary.

For more information email jonathanalibone@gmail.com or alexandersmallart@gmail.com

or visit the website


To accompany this opening an illustrated booklet of the sites history has been produced with local Historian and Archaeologist J.Small. The booklet high lights some the sites possible past uses including that of a medieval Synagogue, public house and church.

Excavations - New Collaborative Video

Excavations is a short, digitally animated sequence inspired by historical and archaeological evidence that positions the present Fishmarket above the site of a medieval synagogue in what was once the heart of Northampton's Jewish quarter. 

This animation forms the latest collaborative work from Northampton based artists Jonathan Alibone and Alexander Small, and represents only one aspect of their continuing project to critically explore the social and cultural significance of the site and surrounding area.

'[G]iven the Fishmarket's proposed demolition, it felt necessary to reflect on our changing urban landscape. The Fishmarket [...] provides an appropriate metaphor for the cyclical nature of history; its rupture and continuity revealed in not only the physical environment, but also in the less tangible realms of religious belief and culture.'

Excavations is the first part of their ongoing project Articulating History.

Conceived and produced by Jonathan Alibone and Alexander Small.